
Administrace Turrisu s vlastním SSL certifikátem

Router Turris Omnia je skvělá věc. Existují však oblasti, kde si jej můžeme snadno vylepšit. Například obě administrace - Foris i LuCi jsou dostupné na HTTP i HTTPS. Avšak HTTP nepřesměrovává na HTTPS a certifikát je logicky self-signed.

How to get working backspace in Firefox on Ubuntu

You know it. You have switched to Linux from Windows or Mac. You are using Firefox and you got use to go to previous page by pressing backspace. But here it does not work. Solution is quiet simply.

Raspberry Pi arrived

Today my RaspBerry Pi has arrived at my home finally. It was nice small package with really nice box. The main Raspberry is only few millimeters bigger then normal credit card. I'm very happy I have it :)

For those who do not know what the RaspBerry Pi is, here is a small help:

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